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 Mr. Khalil Ibrahim Al-Jaber, Executive Director of the Qatar Olympic Academy, received His Excellency Mr. Ahmadullah Watigh, Head of the Sports Directorate of the Afghan Olympic Committee, and his accompanying delegation at the academy's headquarters this Thursday morning.

They are currently visiting Doha to discuss ways to cooperate with Qatari institutions to develop Afghan sports in various fields.

 The meeting was attended by His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Naeem Wardak, Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in the State of Qatar, Mr. Abdullah Al-Badr, Head of the International Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Sports and Youth, in addition to the team of the Qatari Olympic Academy. 

His Excellency the Minister and the accompanying delegation learned about the history of the establishment of the Qatar Olympic Academy, its development, vision, objectives, and its role in promoting sports and Olympic culture within communities. 

They also reviewed the academy's agenda, programs, and various courses in all different sports and Olympic specialties, which aim to raise cultural, academic, Olympic, and sports awareness among students, both in their daily lives and their professional and career lives. In addition to the Olympic education workshops organized by the academy both inside and outside its premises. 

During the meeting, the aspects of cooperation between the Qatari Olympic Academy and the Sports Directorate of the Afghan Olympic Committee, which could be organized between the two sides in the upcoming period, were discussed. 

The esteemed minister and the accompanying delegation also toured the academy's halls, various facilities, and the diverse services in the building that provide and prepare the ideal environment for students to acquire sports sciences in the best atmosphere and to observe the workflow during the implementation of programs and courses in the halls. 

At the end of the tour in the building, the delegation visited the Qatar Olympic Academy Library, which houses more than six thousand books, references, and sources, including books on sports and sports-related sciences, as well as an audiovisual materials library. 

Mr. Khalil Al-Jaber, the Executive Director of the Academy, confirmed the Academy's welcome to His Excellency the Minister and the accompanying delegation at the Academy's headquarters, and the cooperation with Afghan sports to develop it and put it on the right path it deserves, as the Republic of Afghanistan has talents in various sports that deserve the opportunity to compete in global, Olympic, and continental arenas. 

For his part, His Excellency Mr. Ahmadullah Wathiq, Head of the Sports Directorate at the Afghan Olympic Committee, expressed his admiration for the significant role played by the Qatar Olympic Academy in training leaders and members of sports frameworks, as well as educating community members in general about Olympic and sports culture, which would contribute to the development of the sports and Olympic movement in the region. 

His Excellency the Minister confirmed their desire to establish joint cooperation with the Qatari Olympic Academy to develop Afghan administrative and sports cadres and to benefit from Qatari expertise and capabilities in this field, which would constitute a significant addition to the sports sector.

أكثر الأخبار

3 أكتوبر 2024

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