The Qatari Olympic Academy concluded last Thursday the activities of the seventh and final semester of the Olympic Sports Institutions Management Diploma program, in which the students presented their graduation projects and research for this program, which the academy is holding in its fourteenth edition with significant and widespread participation from within and outside the State of Qatar.
Over the course of three days, from the 15th to the 17th of October, students presented their research and graduation projects, which numbered twenty-five and were discussed and evaluated.
Student Ibtisam Mubarak Al-Abdullah presented a project to establish the Olympic Winter Sports Complex in the State of Qatar, while student Ahmed Mishari Al-Hussaini (from the State of Kuwait) presented a research on enhancing performance and administrative integration in the Al-Jahra Sports Club in the State of Kuwait. Student Al-Dana Ali Al-Obaidli presented a project to establish a department for institutional performance excellence in the Qatar Olympic Committee.
Student Adeeb Mohammed Al-Awadhi presented a project to establish a bowling academy in the State of Qatar, while student Turki Abdullah Khashman (from the State of Kuwait) presented a project to establish the Qatar Sports Climbing Federation.
Student Hassan Ali Al-Mansouri presented a research on the relationship between training and development in the institutional structure at Aspire Academy. Student Kholoud Muthkar Al-Hadidi (from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) also presented a project to develop the organizational structure at the Saudi Al-Ula Sports Club. Student Dana Mohammed Al-Mannai presented a study to spread the sport of Jiu-Jitsu in the State of Qatar, while student Zamzam Saleh Al-Turki conducted a study on the Zam Sport Sports Center. Student Suad Walid Al-Humaidi presented a project to establish a sports activities office at the Women’s Police Institute at the Police Academy. Student Saeeda Mubarak Al-Abd God study to develop the organizational structure of the Qatar Basketball Association.
Student Abdullah Saeed Al Zahrani (from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) presented a study on Al Ain Sports Club, student Abdullah Mohammed Al Ajmi (from the State of Kuwait) presented a study to establish a Kuwaiti Olympic Academy, student Ali Hussein Mishari (from the State of Kuwait) presented a project to amend the organizational structure of the Kuwaiti Fencing Federation, while student Ali Abdullah Al Sadi (from the State of Kuwait) presented a study on the challenges of the Kuwaiti Futsal Federation, while student Faisal Mohammed Al Hajri (from the State of Kuwait) presented a project to establish a general association for local Kuwaiti players, student Mohammed Rashid Al Marri presented a project to establish a department specialized in sports fans under the name "Aqali", student Mamdouh Suleiman Al Dhuwaikh (from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) presented a study to develop sports talents in the Saudi Al Riyadh Club, while student Nouf Ahmed Al Malki presented a project to develop and build national teams in the Qatar Football Association. A number of Qatari sports figures from various fields also joined this version of the diploma program. Mr. Mohammed Dahim Al Dosari (Board Member of the Qatar Sports Federation for Special Needs - Director of National Teams) joined and presented a project to open branches for sports for people with special needs in sports clubs. Captain Saud Al Hajri (Vice President of the Football Department at Al Rayyan Club - former goalkeeper of our national team and Al Rayyan Club) presented a study on the Qatar Players Association. Former player of our national team Adel Lami Al Dahim presented a study on the Players Alliance for Humanity. Captain Abdulrahman Mohammed Al Karbi (player of Qatar Club) presented a project to develop the media center in content creation for Al Rayyan Sports Club. Media figure Samir Hassan Al Muairifi (sports commentator on Al Kass Channels) presented a study on developing training centers at the Mahd Sports Academy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Mr. Abdulaziz Salem Al Jaidi (first team administrator at Al Sadd Sports Club) presented a project to develop the football administrative structure at Al Sadd Sports Club.
The Qatar Olympic Academy will evaluate these researches, studies and projects and send them to the International Olympic Academy to complete the graduation procedures, which will be next December.
أكثر الأخبار

ختام دورة التدريب الرياضي لاضطراب طيف التوحد
في خطوة تُعَدُّ الأولى من نوعها في منطقة الخليج والوطن العربي، نظمت الأكاديمية الأولمبية القطرية دورة تدريبية متخصصة بعنوان "الاستراتيجيات الفعّالة للتدريب الرياضي لاضطراب طيف التوحد"، وذلك خلال الفترة من الثاني إلى السادس من فبراير الجاري، حيث جاءت هذه الدورة استجابة للطلب المتزايد على مثل هذه البرامج المتخصصة، والتي تهدف إلى تعزيز فهم اضطراب طيف التوحد (ASD) وتطوير مهارات التدريب الرياضي للأفراد الذين يعانون من هذا الاضطراب والطرق والأساليب المثالية عن كيفية التعامل معهم، حيث سبق للأكاديمية أن نظمت في شهر نوفمبر الماضي دورة حول "دمج ذوي الإعاقة في حصص التربية البدنية"، والتي لاقت إقبالاً كبيراً من قبل المهتمين والمختصين، بناءً على ذلك قررت الأكاديمية تقديم دورة أكثر تخصصاً تركز على اضطراب طيف التوحد، مما يجعلها أول أكاديمية رياضية في المنطقة تقدم مثل هذا التخصص

سعادة الشيخ جوعان بن حمد آل ثاني يخرج منتسبي دبلوم الإدارة الرياضية
الدوحة: كرم سعادة الشيخ جوعان بن حمد آل ثاني رئيس اللجنة الأولمبية القطرية – رئيس مجلس إدارة الاكاديمية الأولمبية القطرية صباح اليوم بمقر اللجنة الأولمبية القطرية خريجي برنامج الدبلوم المتقدم لإدارة المؤسسات الرياضية والاولمبية، أحد برامج الاكاديمية الأولمبية القطرية للدراسات العليا.

ختام دورة مهارات التعامل مع وسائل الاعلام الرياضي
الدوحة: اختتمت الأكاديمية الأولمبية القطرية أولى دوراتها في رزنامة العام الجديد 2025 دورة مهارات التعامل مع وسائل الاعلام الرياضي، بمشاركة واسعة وكبيرة بلغ عدد الدارسين فيها خمسين دارساً من مختلف القطاعات والتخصصات الوظيفية والأكاديمية.