As part of the diverse courses offered by the Qatar Olympic Academy in its annual agenda, which greatly interest the sports community, the academy announced the organization of a course on integrating people with special needs into physical education classes from November 10 to 14.
The academy is keen on this course annually due to its importance in the sports, educational, and community sectors alike, as well as the significant interest it receives from the sports community, particularly sports coaches and statisticians, in addition to physical education teachers who are directly connected to this important segment of society.
This course, organized by the academy over five days in collaboration with and under the auspices of the West Asian Paralympic Committee, is part of the cooperation agreement between the two institutions.
It aims to serve and develop the staff in the sports, academic, and professional fields and to provide them with academic and cognitive training in sports in general and disability sports in particular.
This course is presented by Professor Dr. Omar Hindawi, a university professor in the Department of Sports Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University in Zarqa, Jordan. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the West Asian Paralympic Federation, the head of the Jordanian Paralympic Committee, and possesses extensive academic and practical experience in this field.
He has also enriched rehabilitative and scientific educational work through numerous courses, workshops, and conferences, the latest of which was the Middle East Conference on Adapted Physical Education held at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University in Jordan.
Dr. Hindawi has extensive experience in this field, as his master's thesis was titled "Building a Test Battery to Measure the Skill Performance of Wheelchair Basketball Players in Jordan." His doctoral dissertation was titled "The Impact of Early Physical Activity (Models for Individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)." Additionally, Professor Hindawi possesses significant field and professional experience in this area.
Students will learn about many authors in this except for the context, experience and concept of integrating people with disabilities, the laws that contributed to the implementation of the universal school and integrated classes, the etiquette of dealing with people with disabilities in general and in physical education classes, as well as learning about disabilities, their types, degrees and their barriers to integration, also broad steps in achieving integration in schools, and the transition from creativity to integration and then containment, and students will learn about what is fair activity?, and what is integrated in fair activity?, and supervisors of integration and its positives and negatives, as well as its actions in special sports activities, and the lecturer will specialize in the challenges and difficulties integrated through the training and learning process in the specialization, and the integrated levels in sports activities, as well as the TREE model for integration in physical education classes, a cart to support people with disabilities in the physical education class, the talk will be divided on how can we gather students in the activity class? And two courses will learn about lawyers supporting membership for a known person where they are active and friendly.
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